
💥I got a new iPhone & now Gyroscope doesn’t openThe Apple Watch app is crashing

General Questions

🆓Does the app have a trial period?🔐"What is your privacy policy?"🎒"Is there a student discount?"🍭How can I track blood sugar levels?💊How can I sync my blood levels or medical records?


🤖Can Gyroscope be used on Android?

Data & tracking


😴"What is the best way to track Sleep?"💍“Which devices and apps do you recommend and what does each track?”💤"How can I edit my sleep on Gyroscope"⚖️What is the best scale?What is the best wearable for Gyroscope?

Apple Watch

“The Apple Watch is crashing““How best to track sleep with Apple Watch?”


👯‍♀️"My activities/workouts are being synced multiple times, how can I fix that?"

Other data questions

🍋“Is there a way I can delete all my data and start fresh”

Account Management

💰How do I cancel my membership?🔑I signed up with old Facebook login📮How can I change my email?📜Can I get an invoice of my subscription?⏯️Can I pause my membership?