

The Gyroscope Fitness Zone contains exercise videos, AI guidance and both pre-set and custom workout plans to help you build strength and muscle.

Cardio and mobility plans will follow soon!

It’s becoming more and more recognized that maintaining strength and muscle is vital for optimal longevity, and that to build strength we need to follow some kind of progressive resistance training program.

However, what program to follow, for how long, and how to select things like weights and how many reps of each move to do, can be confusing.

All of our programs are currently based around 45-60 minute workouts, generally 3 times a week or more, but we will be providing more options soon.

Setting Up Your Coach

Custom Programs

Our custom programs are for beginner to advanced trainees who want to train three times a week for around an hour a time.

Step 1: AI Consultation

After setting up your coach

Step 2: Scheduling

Step 3: Execution

Preset Programs

Our preset programs cater for different situations and experience levels.

We have a beginner gym program, a beginner bodyweight program which are both 6 weeks in total, and can be repeated as often as you want, or until you feel ready to try a more advanced program.

We also have a beginner-intermediate dumbbell program, and three gym programs for intermediate-advanced trainees who want to hit the gym 3, 4 or 5 times a week. These are all 12 weeks in total.

The gym and dumbbell programs are also split into distinct phases: the dumbbell program changes exercise variations at the halfway mark of the program, and the gym programs are split into accumulation and intensification phases.

An accumulation phase is generally comprised of higher volume and moderate loads, while an intensification phase generally focuses on higher loads and lower volume.

Step 1: Choose your Program

Step 2: Scheduling

Step 3: Execution

Logging Progress

Progress from training is mainly down to a principle known as progressive overload.

All this means is you gradually increase the intensity of your workouts to try and match the gradual increases in strength and endurance that your body undergoes from regular training.

Ie: as you get stronger, your capacity to handle more intensity increases, and you must keep feeding this increase in capacity to continue to build more muscle and strengt

There are 2-3 main variables that you generally change for progressive overload, but there are many more beyond these too.

To keep things simple, we focus on:

  • Weight lifted
  • Reps performed
  • Time under load
Reps = repetitions: the number of times you repeat a movement

If you’re thinking “how do I know what to lift, how many reps to do or how long to hold a position for” don’t worry!

That is what your AI coach is for.

Follow their advice as best you can, and they will make sure that you are starting with the right intensity and also increasing that intensity week on week, so you keep on making progress with progressive overload.

To log your weight, add it here:

To log your reps, and them here:

And to record your time, you can do that here:

Tracking Trends

A Gyroscope fitness program would not be complete without intelligent and aesthetically pleasing graphs to quantify and display your progress.

For all the lists in every program, your strength outcomes will be logged and displayed in your workout trends.

<app trends>

We suggest exploring these on the app as well as the website, as while the former provides immediate convenience, the latter provides the ability to compare trends and any correlations that may be occuring.

<website trend correlations>

Resting Between Sets

Lastly, rest periods.

These are made extra simple with Gyroscope, by providing a countdown timer for each rest period.

We like to provide personal flexibility, so you can skip the times if you want, but we strongly suggest you try and stick to it.

We usually set the timer for 2 minutes, but rest periods can be anything from 1-3 minutes, or more, if you’re lifting really heavy weights.

<timer pic>

If you feel like you don’t need to rest for at least 1-2 minutes between sets, then the chances are you are not working to a high enough level for real strength and muscle gains to occur.

Read our in-depth guides on training for more info on resting, or ask your AI coach, but we’ll finish by reiterating that fact that rest periods are important, so do your best to work as hard as you can for the set, and then enjoy that well deserved couple minutes of respite before the next set begins.